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About my work

Hi there!

Thanks for visiting I'm an award-winning travel photographer from Singapore.

Photos from my trips to Germany and Shanghai are now up on the site.

My photos were featured in the Jul '17 edition of SilverKris, the inflight magazine of Singapore Airlines. Singapore's largest bank, DBS featured my work on their login page on Deepavali day in Nov '18. 

My passion for travel photography started in 2012 when I trained myself via masterclass programs at Canon Imaging Academy, Singapore. I have joined leading photographers for field trips in 5 countries, and have also captured stunning sights in 51 countries, many of which you can see in the Portfolio page. 

My photographic style focuses on capturing the subject in natural light, crafting a mesmerizing visual story, usually with a sense of motion integrated into it. I use minimal processing so you too can enjoy the magic I experienced on-location!

If you like any of these photos, please do PM me on Instagram 

Thank you!


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